And then there were two.
Why two?
Because..... it takes two to tango! :)
According to Unified Physics, Singularity scales (replicates itself as duality) in octaves which is a binary progression of doubling/halving, similar to musical scales. If you look at the spectrum of creation, from the smallest thing (big bang) to the largest thing (the observable universe itself), the whole universe is 'octavised'.
Why does 0 become 1 or 1 become 2?
Because it wanted to ___[see/ hear/ feel/ know/ love/ etc...]___ itself.
Make up your own story if you like! The chosen 'action' provides a sense of purpose to the whole creation and becomes the lens with which you view the universe.
Choose wisely! :)
This also becomes the basis of the 'quantum of action', the smallest action possible in the universe giving us a 'fundamental unit' to count all other actions.
It is interesting to see that both ends of the spectrum of creation are essentially the same thing, the universe itself separated by 13.8 billion years of Time.
Looking further, we find that both these limits can be attributed to the 'speed limit of our universe, i.e. speed of light', which is also termed at the 'speed of causality'.
Even Gravity cannot travel faster than the speed of light.
Time, Light, Gravity all establish the fundamental duality of Cause and Effect.
In order to give anything meaning, it must be wrapped in a 'cause and effect pair'.
If you keep asking 'why', or 'what caused that' repeatedly, you will soon realize that eventually there is no answer and you reach a causeless cause (singularity) or go round in circles (come back to the same point you started from).
This can also be understood using a 'content' and 'container' analogy.
All laws of physics work in a 'closed system', but in reality, no closed system has ever been found! There is no way to truly isolate a system from the rest of the universe because each system (container) is also the 'content' of a larger container, and that of a still larger container.
All of creation exists 'in' time and space, but what do time and space exist in?
In unified physics, It has been theorized that our universe could be embedded in a larger universe and that in a yet larger one and this could go on and on.
The main point to note here is that dualities are nested singularities, one inside another!
This provides a whole new way of thinking and leads to some remarkable insights.
One such insight is that of 'Nested Time'.
Imagine all moments of time as concentric circles starting out as a dot and growing into a circle that keeps getting bigger as time progresses.
In this way, each moment is nested inside the previous one and carries the 'information' of all previous moments.
Space / Time Duality:
Space cannot be measured without time. Time cannot be measured without space. One cannot exist without another. Is Space inside Time, or is Time inside Space?
Are both inside each other?
We can apply same line of thinking to the following:
What came first is the classic chicken and egg problem!
Dualities are also visible at all scales where they are better known as 'polar opposites' such as:
It’s the birthplace and the playground of relativity!!
'Twoness' Art by Charles Gilchrist.
How many yin yang's do you see?
Do you see nested yin yangs?
Since dualities are nested infinitely, the dilemma of choices and paradoxes is never ending.
As soon as you figure out one, another one is waiting for you right there.
This is a simple binary fractal progression.
Question: What is 1/2 +1/4 +1/8 +1/16+..... added up to infi
Intersection of two circles such that each passes through the other centre is called a Vesica Piscis. Here we see concentric Vesica Piscis creating an interesting interference pattern of circles, similar to two ripples in a pond.
Inside the Vesica Piscis, is a whole wealth of mathematical relationships like √2, √3, √5 and the golden ratio ø
[Fun Maths problem]:
Can you calculate the area of the vesica piscis (region in white)?
64 tetrahedron grid theorises the geometry of how space divides to scale the singularity in binary progression. Seen here are two cuboctahedrons, one inside another and exactly half the size of another, representing two octaves of the same singularity.
This geometry is also a product of duality of 'in' and 'out'. If you take a cuboctahedron with 8 tetrahedrons pointing inwards and 'mate' it with a
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